Rename/Reposition Command

Use the Rename/Reposition command from the File menu to rename or relocate a report or template.

To display the Rename dialog, perform one of the following actions

The Rename dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

To rename your report or template

  1. Enter a new name for the current report or template in the Report name text box or the Template name text box, as appropriate. For details about creating folders, see "Folders Menu", in Chapter 3.

  2. To further refine the display of reports or templates, perform one of the following actions.

    The Show reports for current schema only check box is checked by default. Only reports defined for the current schema or any superschema are displayed. To display all reports defined in the database, uncheck the Show reports for current schema only check box.

  3. Click the Save button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your changes.

The current report is then saved. The report name change or folder change is immediate.

To relocate your report or template

  1. Double-click the current folder until the required folder is displayed.

  2. Click the Save button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The current report or template is then saved into the selected folder. (For details about creating folders, see "Folders Menu", in Chapter 3.)