Delete Report Command

Use the Delete Report command from the File menu to delete a report.

To delete a report

  1. Select the Delete Report command from the File menu. The Delete Report dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. Select the report that you want to delete from the Report list box or enter the name in the Report name text box.

  3. Filter the list of report names in the Reports list box in one or both of the following ways.

  4. To further refine the display of reports, perform one of the following actions.

    The Show reports for current schema only check box is checked by default. Only reports defined for the current schema or any superschema are displayed for selection. To display all reports defined in the database for selection, uncheck the Show reports for current schema only check box.

  5. Click the Delete button. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The Delete Confirmation message box is then displayed.

Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion. Alternatively, click the No button to abandon the deletion

You can recover a report after it has been deleted while the current session of the JADE Report Writer Designer application is still running (that is, before you have exited from the application by using the Exit command from the File menu).

A temporary copy of the deleted report is made and given the name of the report with a suffix of before delete. This temporary copy is displayed in the Open Report dialog and you can restore it by opening it and then saving it.