Attach Template Command

Use the Attach Template command from the Report menu to attach an existing template to your current report design.

To attach a template

  1. Select the Attach Template command from the Report menu.

    The Attach Template dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. Select the template that you want to attach from the Templates list box or enter the name in the Template name text box.

  3. Filter the list of report names in the Name list box in one or both of the following ways.

  4. To further refine the display of templates, perform one of the following actions.

  5. Click the Attach button. The selected template is then attached to your report design layout. Alternatively, click the Cancel button to abandon your selections.

The frames of the attached template are visible only if you have the Show Template command selected. For details, see "Show/Hide Template Command" under "View Menu", earlier in this chapter.