Using the Folder Edit Commands

This subsection describes the commands that are available from the Edit menu of the Folder Maintenance window and from the icon buttons on the toolbar.

To rename the selected folder, report, or template

  1. Display the rename box by performing one of the following actions.

    The rename box, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. Enter the new name for the folder, report, or template.

    You cannot use the slash character (/) in your folder name.

  3. Click anywhere in the window or press the Enter key, to complete the name entry and save your new name.

The new name is then displayed for the selected folder, as shown in the following image.

The renamed folder is repositioned in alphabetical order among all other folders at the same level.

To delete the selected folder, report, or template, perform one of the following actions

A dialog is then displayed, prompting you to confirm the deletion. If you are deleting a parent folder, the dialog cautions you that you are also about to delete all of the subfolders. Click the Yes button to proceed with the deletion or click the No button to abandon the deletion.

You cannot delete a folder while it, or one of its subfolders, contains templates or reports.

To cut the selected folder, report, or template, perform one of the following actions

The folder (and all of its subfolders) is then copied to the clipboard and deleted from the current position. You can then paste the folder (along with its subfolders) within another parent folder (described later in this subsection).

When you cut and paste a folder, all of the contents of the folder (any subfolders and reports or templates contained in that folder) are moved with that folder.

You cannot cut the default folders provided by the Report Writer Configuration application.

To copy the selected folder, perform one of the following actions

The folder (and all its subfolders) is then copied to the clipboard but remains in the current position. You can then paste the folder (along with its subfolders) within another parent folder (described later in this subsection). Only the folder (and its subfolders) is copied. The reports and templates contained in the folder are not copied.

You cannot copy the default folders provided by the Report Writer Configuration application.

You cannot copy reports or templates.

To paste a copied or cut folder, or a cut report or template, into the selected parent folder, perform one of the following actions

The folder (and all of its subfolders), report, or template, is then moved from the clipboard into the selected parent folder. You cannot paste a folder into one of its own subfolders.