Selecting the Fields to Join

Select the fields that are to be joined between your two collections by using the graphical join feature displayed in the panes at the right of the Joins sheet.

To select the join fields, perform the following actions

A join line is then drawn between the two fields, as shown in the following image.

In the example shown in the previous image, two collections are joined based on the name fields in both collections. This enables report designers to design a report that in this case displays records in which agents are also clients.

By default, the join is based on a comparison relationship (join key) of is equal to. In the above example, this equates to producing records in which agents are clients and clients are agents. You can select a different relationship between the join fields, if required.

To select a different join key

  1. Select a comparison value from the Comparison list box in the Join Relationship group box at the lower left of the Joins sheet.

    The available comparison operators are shown in the following image.

  2. Negate the comparison by checking the NOT check box, if required.

    In the example in the previous image, negating the is greater than comparison that is selected changes the comparison to is NOT greater than. By default, the NOT check box is not checked.

  3. If you do not want the comparison to be case-sensitive, uncheck the Case-sensitive check box. By default, the Case-sensitive check box is checked.

  4. Click the Add button.

The new join key is then applied to the selected relationship. It is applied to the field selected in the collection on the left side in relation to the field selected on the right side.

To delete a join key

  1. Select the join to delete by clicking the join line that is drawn between your joined collection fields.

    The Delete button in the Join Relationship pane is then enabled.

  2. Click the Delete button.

A confirmation dialog is then displayed. Click the Yes button to confirm the deletion or click the Cancel button to abandon the deletion.

When you confirm the deletion, the join key is deleted and the line joining the collection fields is then removed.