Deleting a Reporting View

Use the Delete command from the View menu to delete an existing reporting view.

To delete an existing reporting view

  1. Select the Delete command from the View menu.

    The Delete View dialog, shown in the following image, is then displayed.

  2. In the Views list box, select the view that you want to delete.

  3. Click the Delete button. A dialog is then displayed, which enables you to confirm that you are sure that you want to delete the view.

  4. To confirm the deletion, click the Yes button. Alternatively, click the No button to cancel the deletion and retain the view.

The selected view is then deleted.

You cannot delete a view that has reports defined against it, and you cannot delete a view that is currently open. The view must first be closed.

As a precaution against accidental deletion, you should extract each of the views that you create. If you then accidentally delete a view, you can reload it by using the Load command. For details, see "Unloading a Reporting View Definition", later in this chapter.