Text Box Hint Foreground and Background Colors (NFS 65859)

The JadeSkinTextBox control now provides the properties listed in the following table.

Property Value Default Description
hintBackColor Integer #80000000 (use the defined TextBox class hintBackColor property value) Background color of hint text
hintForeColor Integer #80000000 (use the defined TextBox class hintForeColor property value) Foreground color of the hint text

These values apply only if the TextBox control class text box hintText property is not null (""), the hint text is displayed (that is, the text box is empty), and the JadeSkinTextBox class hint values are not #80000000 (the default). For details about TextBox class hint text and colors, see "Text Box Hint Text and Color (NFS 65829, JEDI 117)", elsewhere in this document.

These property values are also ignored when the hint text is displayed and the text box text is disabled, in which case the text box is drawn in its disabled state (with the hint text still displayed).

Set the values for the TextBox control type on the Controls sheet of the Jade Skin Maintenance dialog. The default selection text (foreground) and background colors are true, by default; that is, the Default hint foreColor and Default hint backColor check boxes are checked.

When the selection text or background color is not set to the default value or you uncheck the Default hint foreColor or Default hint backColor check box, click the Set button at the right of the check box. The common Color dialog is then displayed, to enable you to select or define a custom text or background color for text box hints.