Table Row Alternating Colors (NFS 65216)

The alternatingRowBackColor and alternatingRowBackColorCount properties have been added to the JadeSkinTable class (and to the JadeSkinListBox class). You can set these values in a Table skin using the functionality provided by the JadeSkinMaintence form. If the value of the alternatingRowBackColorCount property is zero (0), the value of the alternatingRowBackColor property is ignored and does not apply.

The skin settings are also ignored if logic specifically sets the value of the alternatingRowBackColorCount property of a table to a value greater than zero (0).

If a fixed cell has a specific backColor set via a cell, row, or column backColor property value, the skin back color value that applies above is ignored.

For details about the alternatingRowBackColor and alternatingRowBackColorCount properties, see "Alternating Colors for List Box and Table Rows (NFS 65216)", earlier in this document.