Source Control

You can now use the built‑in Git client source control feature to work on files already extracted from or loaded into the Git client working directory. The cloning, staging and committing, pushing, pulling, and checking out operations are accessed from JADE development environment menu commands. The JADE Git client functionality is fully compatible with other Git clients that you can use for more‑specialized operations.

The JADE product information library documents only the JADE implementation of the Git source control; it does not cover the Git technology itself. (If you are not familiar with Git, see

JADE incorporates a Git client, so that you can use an on‑premises or a cloud‑based Git provider to move your source and source changes into (push) and out of (pull) your team's source repository, to more‑easily incorporate your JADE source into a modern development workflow.

The Git client is supported on both presentation and standard clients.

The Source Control feature comprises mainly an integrated Git client working on files extracted to or loaded from the Git working directory, using the JADE development environment Browse menu Git Source Control Client command and its submenu commands.

The JADE development environment provides source control security hooks. Access to the Git client requires authentication and authorization.

See also: