The getAndValidateUser and isUserValid methods of the Global class allow for a separation between obtaining user code and password information that often requires a dialog interaction with the end-user at the client and secondary validation, which may need to be executed at the server.
Use secondary (server-side) user validation to limit the possibility of illegal system access. The getAndValidateUser method provides an extra level of protection at the start of a process or application in conjunction with the isUserValid secondary validate method run at the server.
If you do not implement the isUserValid method (which in turn depends on the getAndValidateUser method), a hacker can bypass your application security entirely by substituting his or her own client program and then accessing your schema directly. Without this level of security, you would be unable to stop this illegal access of your system.
When no user code is supplied in the jomSignOn API call, the JADE Object Manager invokes the
JADE applications, both validation methods are invoked.
Non–JADE applications that do not supply a user code in the jomSignOn API call, both validation methods are invoked. Higher-level interfaces (for example, ODBC) require that a user code is supplied to establish a database connection, which is in turn passed to the jomSignOn API call, so that secondary validation only is invoked.
When developing the getAndValidateUser and isUserValid methods, consider that these methods will be called in non-GUI applications. Creating and attempting to show forms in non-GUI applications will raise an exception.
In the
The user-validate methods have normal access to the database and can create and manipulate forms. The validate methods provide update capability so that you can retain state information, if required; for example, the number of log-on attempts for each user or a security audit trail in persistent objects.
The default implementation of the user-validate methods performs the following actions.
Manufactures a user code
Allows applications to be run without any user validation
The user-validate methods are invoked from a tentative process created by the JADE Object Manager as a result of the jomSignOn Application Program Interface (API) call. (For more details, see "Opening a Process", in Chapter 3.)
If user-validation succeeds, the jomSignOn API returns a valid process handle to the caller, which allows the application to proceed as usual. If the user-validate methods signal failure, the JADE Object Manager destroys the tentative application and process objects, and a null process handle is returned to the caller.