
The optional commandFile argument enables you to specify the fully qualified name of a text file (for example, a JADE command .jcf file) that contains commands to create, rename, move, or delete entities, as shown in the following example.

commandFile=d:\temp\RenameClasses.jcf loadStyle=currentSchemaVersion

The command file, which has the following syntax, contains a header section, followed by the commands to be processed.

JadeVersionNumber <version-number>

If you require a non-default name of the JADE initialization file, you must specify this name in the ini argument on the command line. If you require a non‑default database path, you must specify the valid absolute path in the path argument on the command line or in the path parameter in the [JadeCommandLine] section of the JADE initialization file.

The <version-number> value is the JADE version number (for example, 7.1.03).

The <commands> value specifies a list of commands, with each command on a separate line. The following commands are supported.

AbortOnError [True|False]
Delete Instances schema-name::class-name
Delete Class schema-name::class-name
Rename Class schema-name::existing-class-name new-class-name
Move Class schema-name::class-name new-superclass-name
Create DbFile schema-name::dbfile-name [partitionable]
Delete DbFile schema-name::dbfile-name
Remap Class schema-name::class-name dbfile-name
Delete Interface schema-name::interface-name
Rename Interface schema-name::existing-interface-name new-interface-name
Delete Property schema-name::class-name::property-name
Rename Property schema-name::existing-class-name::existing‑property‑name 
Delete Method schema-name::class-name::method-name
Rename Constant schema‑name::class‑name::existing‑constant‑name
Delete Constant schema-name::class-name::constant-name
Rename GlobalConstant schema‑name::existing‑global‑constant‑name 
Delete GlobalConstant schema-name::global-constant-name
Delete GlobalConstantCategory schema-name::category-name
Delete ExternalFunction schema-name::external-function-name
Delete WebServiceConsumer schema-name::consumer-name
Create Locale schema-name::locale-number CopyFrom base-locale-number
Create Locale schema-name::locale-number CloneOf base-locale-number
Modify Schema schema-name DefaultLocale locale-number
Modify Schema schema-name FormsManagementStyle style-number
Rename Schema existing-schema-name new-schema-name
Delete Schema schema-name
Delete Locale schema-name::locale-number
Delete LocaleFormat schema-name::format-name
Delete Package schema-name::package-name
Delete TranslatableString schema-name::translatable-string-name
Exclude Table schema-name::rps-mapping-name::table-name
Exclude Column schema-name::rps-mapping-name::table-name::column-name
MoveInstances [Workers number]

For details, see the following subsections.

The <options> value, which is not yet supported, specifies optional arguments for processing the command file, which is not schema‑specific.

If you set the AbortOnError command to True, processing of the command file is aborted when the first error is encountered when processing subsequent commands in the file.

If you set the AbortOnError command to False (the default value), subsequent commands continue to be processed regardless of errors, and a warning exit code (8514) is returned to indicate if one or more commands were not completed successfully. The default False value of the AbortOnError command applies only to errors that do not matter; for example, attempting to delete an entity such as a class, property, or method that does not exist. All other errors (for example, moving or renaming a class that does not exist) are always fatal errors.

When using a command file to create, rename, move, or delete entities during the batch loading of forms and schemas, all versioned schemas are reorganized by default at the end of a successful command file load (unless the suppressReorg argument is set to true).

When a transaction is committed (that is, no errors are found) and reorganization is not suppressed, a scan is made for schemas requiring reorganization. If any schema is found to require reorganization, all schemas are reorganized.

For details about:

The following is an example of a JADE command file that moves class instances.

JadeVersionNumber 7.1.00
Create DbFile Bats::NewFile1
Create DbFile Bats::NewFile2
Remap Class Bats::License NewFile1
Remap Class Bats::Test NewFile2
Remap Class Bats::LicenseDict NewFile1
Remap Class Bats::Company NewFile2
Remap Class Bats::TestByNameDict NewFile2
MoveInstances Workers 2

The following is an example of a command file that performs various actions.

JadeVersionNumber 7.1.03
AbortOnError True
Delete Class ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema::TenderSale
Rename Class ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema::Region Area
Rename Property ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema::Tender::offer bid
Delete Property ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema::Country::allRegions
Delete Method ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema::TenderSale:addNewBid
Modify Schema ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema DefaultLocale 1033
Modify Schema ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema FormsManagementStyle 2
Create Locale ErewhonInvestmentsModelSchema::2057 CopyFrom 1033