Administering the JADE Remote Node Access Utility

Use the File menu in the JADE server node window to perform one of the administrative actions listed in the following table.

Command Description For details, see…
Clear Display Clears contents from the JADE server node window Clearing the JADE Server Node Window Display
Disable User SignOn Stops users signing on to JADE in a multiuser environment Disabling Users from Signing On
Use System Tray Icon Automatically minimizes the JADE Remote Node Access utility as an icon in the system tray after start up or toggles the minimizing or restoring of the utility Minimizing or Restoring the JADE Server Node Window
Synch Server Apps Synchronizes the non-GUI server application details in caches Synchronizing Non-GUI Server Application Cached Details
Start Service Starts the JADE Remote Node Access utility as a service Starting a Service
Stop Service Stops running the JADE Remote Node Access utility as a service Stopping a Service
Show Configuration Displays server configuration details Displaying Server Configuration Details
Show Connections Displays current client connections Displaying Current Client Connections
Exit Exits from the JADE server, and closes the JADE database Exiting from the JADE Remote Node Access Utility