
String (file-name)

Not specified


The LogNullColumnOnException parameter specifies the file in which exception information is logged when an exception occurs in a column-mapping method or the mapping method for a virtual property that is not handled by an exception handler armed from within the method.

If the value of the NullColumnOnException parameter is none, the LogNullColumnOnException parameter is ignored.

If a file name is not specified, which is the default case, no exception information is logged for an unhandled exception in a column-mapping method or the mapping method of a virtual property.

If the full path of the file is not specified, it is located in the directory specified by the value of the LogDirectory parameter in the [JadeLog] section.

The LogNullColumnOnException parameter is not created or updated by the RPS Manager application.

Parameter is read when …

The Datapump application is started.

Applicable to database role or subrole…

RPS node only.