The following sections summarize the development environment-related documents in the JADE product information library.
Covers using the Automated Test Code Generator (ATCG) to record and replay GUI actions in JADE applications.
Overview of the Automated Test Code Generator |
Getting started |
ATCG development structure and considerations |
Design guidelines and directions |
For system administrators when administering JADE development environments.
Saving and restoring JADE schema and forms definitions |
Change Control |
Patch versioning |
For developers using the JADE development environment to develop user applications.
JADE concepts and terminology |
Signing on and off, using the JADE development environment, and using the JADE online help |
Defining applications and classes in your own schemas, and performing a schema reorganization |
Defining JADE methods, properties, constants, and conditions |
Using the JADE Painter, including the Form Wizard and Menu Design facilities |
Inspecting your JADE database |
Using the JADE debugger |
Defining external methods and external interfaces |
Defining ODBC inquiry relational views and ad hoc indexes |
Extracting and loading schemas |
Localizing (translating) JADE to suit your local requirements |
Adding and maintaining HTML documents |
Adding and maintaining method views, which group methods from any class in any schema |
Adding and maintaining interfaces |
Defining a Relational Population Service (RPS) mapping using the Relational Population Service wizard |
Importing and maintaining ActiveX and .NET external component libraries |
Using the C# Exposure Wizard to generate a C# class library for a JADE schema |
Glossary |
Covers using JADE to develop and maintain JADE applications.
JADE language |
Handling event notifications |
Handling exceptions |
Behavior and tuning of collections |
Creating user-defined controls |
JADE locking facilities |
Using the supplied JADE database administration framework |
Provides instructions for using packages to build and reuse common frameworks |
Provides instructions for using skins |
Provides considerations when developing applications using the Synchronized Database Service (SDS) |
Provides instructions for building distributed JADE applications using the XML Web services architecture |
Provides instructions for parsing, creating, navigating, manipulating, and writing XML documents |
Provides instructions for using object versioning in the JADE development environment |
Database reorganization |
Provides instructions for using the messaging framework |
Provides instructions for using asynchronous method calls |
Provides instructions for using method tracking and notification tracing to enhance performance |
Provides instructions for executing code before and after a target method is called |
Provides instructions for identifying objects that are updated, created, and deleted within a transaction |
Partitioning database files |
Defining runtime data |
Unaudited database file operations |
JADE limits |
JADE attribute type storage sizes |
Volume 1 covers system (non-GUI) classes in the range
System classes in the range |
Volume 2 covers system (non-GUI) classes in the range
System classes in the range |
Volume 3 covers the
Window classes, and the methods, properties, and class constants that they provide |
Covers primitive types and global constants.
Primitive types, and the methods that they provide |
Global constants |
Covers using external interfaces to develop and maintain JADE applications.
Using external methods and external functions |
External interfaces, including external databases |
Transforming an external relational database |
Provides instructions for using ActiveX automation server and .NET external component libraries |
XML Metadata Interchange (XMI) support |
ODBC reserved words |
JADE pointers in the RootSchema jomos external function library |
Covers developing applications using .NET class libraries exposed in JADE.
.NET and JADE requirements |
JADE .NET object management |
Sample client-server application |
Introduction to JADE .NET tutorial |
Using the .NET framework to develop .NET applications to connect to a JADE system |
Exposing JADE classes and their entities to generate a .NET class library |
Reference to the jomdotnet library and the API required to use the exposed classes |
Mapping JADE primitive types to Common Language Runtime (CLR) data types |
Developing applications to store, edit, and query spatial information directly through the JADE .NET API |
For system administrators and JADE developers when administering the JADE Object Manager or writing API calls to JADE.
Distributed processing, and JADE Object Manager architecture |
JADE security, including deployed databases and the JADE development environment |
JADE Object Manager Application Programming Interface (API) |
JADE system instrumentation and diagnosis, including node statistics sampling |
JADE Logical Certifier diagnostic tool and its errors and repairs |
C-level Application Programming Interface (API) |
For people who are using the JADE Report Writer to develop and run reports.
JADE Report Writer concepts and terminology |
Signing on and off and using the JADE Report Writer |
Configuring the JADE Report Writer |
Designing JADE reports |
Previewing, printing, and extracting data from JADE reports |
Running the JADE Report Writer, including setting security and dealing with exceptions |
Detailed description of creating scripts in the JADE Report Writer Designer |
Detailed description of using script commands in the JADE Report Writer Designer |
Detailed description of using script fields in the JADE Report Writer Designer |