Administration and Deployment Documents

The following sections summarize the administration‑ and deployment‑related documents in the JADE product information library.

JADE Database Administration Guide (DbAdmin)

For database administrators.

Chapter 1 Using the single user offline JADE Database utility
Chapter 2 Using the single user or multiuser online JADE Database Administration utility
Chapter 3 Database administration, including backing up and recovering databases, database certification, and database space management
Chapter 4 Using the JADE Database Encryption utility

JADE Monitor User’s Guide (JadeMonitor)

For system administrators when monitoring, analyzing, and diagnosing a JADE environment.

Chapter 1 Initiating and setting up the JADE Monitor, including running the JADE Monitor as a background process
Chapter 2 Using the JADE Monitor for system instrumentation and diagnosis

JADE Remote Node Access Utility User’s Guide (JadRap)

For system administrators when starting or administering JADE on a server node and recording server node statistics.

Chapter 1 Starting or administering JADE on a server node

JADE Runtime Application Guide (RuntimeApps)

For system administrators when administering JADE runtime applications.

Chapter 1 Running a JADE user application
Chapter 2 Using skins in runtime applications
Chapter 3 Using rich text controls on runtime forms
Chapter 4 Converting a user database
Chapter 5 Deploying database files
Chapter 6 Upgrading to a new release of a runtime application
Appendix A Customizing the deployment upgrade process

JADE Schema Inspector Utility User’s Guide (SchemaInspector)

For system administrators when inspecting JADE database objects in production systems.

Chapter 1 Inspecting JADE database objects in production systems

JADE Schema Load User’s Guide (JadScmLoad)

For system administrators when loading user data without using the JADE development environment.

Chapter 1 Loading user data

JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) Administration Guide (SDSAdmin)

For system administrators when administering JADE Synchronized Database Services (SDS), including Relational Population Services (RPS).

Chapter 1 Covers administering a JADE Synchronized Database Service (SDS) environment
Chapter 2 Considerations when using the Relational Population Service (RPS) to replicate a production JADE database to one or more Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) target databases

JADE Thin Client Guide (ThinClient)

For system administrators when administering JADE thin client environments.

Chapter 1 Installing application servers and presentation clients and customizing the installation of JADE presentation client software
Chapter 2 Running the application server and presentation clients
Chapter 3 Administering JADE thin client environments
Appendix A JADE thin client considerations and restrictions
Appendix B Upgrading software on presentation clients

JADE Web Application Guide (WebApps)

For system administrators when administering JADE HTML and Web service applications.

Chapter 1 Implementing HTML and Web service JADE applications
Chapter 2 Monitoring Web applications
Chapter 3 Configuring Web applications
Chapter 4 Using the Rich Internet Application (RIA) framework