Using the mod_ jadehttp Module

JADE includes mod_ and mod_, for the 32-bit and 64-bit version of Apache 2.4.10, respectively.

To use the mod_ jadehttp module

  1. Ensure that you are running Apache 2.4.10 or a higher 2.4.n version.

  2. Determine whether 32-bit or 64-bit Apache is installed. (If the operating system installation is a 64-bit version, it is most likely that Apache is also the 64-bit version.)

  3. Load the correct mod_ jadehttp module into Apache. Note that path names in following examples may differ from those in your environment.

    For 32-bit versions of Apache:

    LoadModule jadehttp_module modules/

    For 64-bit versions of Apache:

    LoadModule jadehttp_module modules/