The jverinfo JADE Version Information utility enables you to check the hot fixes that are applied to your JADE system and to optionally retrieve the version of user data map files. For more details, see the following subsections.
The jverinfo program outputs the following version information to a file so that you can view it on your workstation monitor, print it out, or send it to JADE Support if requested to do so.
System version information (for example, the operating system version, the CPU model, and the registered owner and organization of the software and hardware).
File version information, starting with the installed location, full release version, and modified timestamp of each executable file followed by the installed location, full version number, and modified timestamp of each Dynamic Link Library (DLL) file.
Types of CPU and operating system (for example, columns that contain I686 or AMD64 for the CPU type and WinGUI, WinCE, or SYSV for the operating system type).
User data map file version number, starting with the installed location, version number, build type, architecture, and modified timestamp of each user data file.
As well as listing the version details of executables and libraries found in the bin directory, jverinfo lists the version information of thin client download binaries if they are in the default download locations (that is, it will not find the download location using the values defined in the JADE initialization file).
If the directory does not exist or no executable or library files are found, nothing is output.
The following is an example subset of directories.
i686-msoft-win32-ansi\download\bin i686-msoft-win32-unicode\download\bin armv4i-msoft-wm60-unicode\download\bin i686-msoft-x86emu-unicode\download\bin
The JADE Version Information utility program is not dependent on any other JADE libraries. You can therefore use one version of the jverinfo program to report on any release, whether it is a Unicode or an ANSI build.
To run the jverinfo program under a Windows operating system:
Copy the jverinfo.exe program to the JADE binary directory from which you want it run.
Alternatively, you can create a shortcut on your desktop or in the appropriate Start folder.
Execute the program to run it.
By default, the program writes its output to a file called versioninfo.txt, which is located in the working directory.
To automate the program, you can optionally specify the binary directory, user data map file directory (which is usually the system directory), system file directory, and the output file name, in the following format.
jverinfo [binpath=binary-directory-name] [binmask=binary-file-type] [datpath=user-data-directory] [datmask=user-data‑file‑type] [out=output-file-name|stdout] [syspath=system-file-directory] [sysmask=system‑file‑type] [noThinClients] [noExtraDirs]| [extraDirs=[path][directory-name]]
The following is an example of the command line set up to run the program.
c:\jade\bin\jverinfo binpath=c:\jade\production_bin datpath=c:\jade\system out=c:\jade\prodver.txt noExtraDirs
The jverinfo command line options are case-insensitive.
You can use the optional:
binpathargument to specify the binary directory that is to be scanned.
binmask argument to refine the files that are output using the binpath parameter. The default syntax of this argument is *.exe.
out argument to specify stdout or the name of the output file that is created (defaulting to versioninfo.txt).
datpath argument to specify the user database map file directory (which is usually the system directory) that is to be scanned. It outputs an unformatted list of all user data map files, including the version number, the ANSI, Unicode 16, or Unicode 32 build type, whether the architecture is LittleEndian or BigEndian, and the time and date that each file was last modified.
datmask argument to refine the user data files that are output using the datpath argument. The default syntax of this argument is *.dat.
syspath argument to specify the system file directory that is to be scanned and outputs the system file version, the ANSI, or Unicode 16, or Unicode 32 build type, and whether the architecture is LittleEndian or BigEndian, and the time and date that each file was last modified.
sysmask argument to refine the system files that are output using the syspath argument. The default syntax of this argument is _*.bin.
noThinClients argument to disable the version details of thin client download binaries, if applicable.
extraDirs=[path][directory-name] argument to list custom (non‑standard) directories to scan for binaries to display version information. The file specified by the extraDirs argument must contain ANSI strings; wide‑character strings are not supported by any version of jverinfo.
If you do not specify the optional =directory-name value, this argument defaults to jverinfo.extradirs. The directory‑name value can be an absolute path or a relative path from the JADE Home directory (that is, one level up from the bin directory).
If the directory does not exist or it contains no ANSI files, it is ignored and nothing is output.
noExtraDirs argument, which you can use to disable the extraDirs functionality that lists version information on files in non‑standard locations (that is, ignore the default jverinfo.extradirs file, if it exists).
If the first character on an input line is the hash (#) character, the line is treated as a comment and is ignored.
The input line can be an absolute path or a relative path from the JADE Home directory (that is, one level up from the bin directory).