The following table lists the exit values that are unique to each program (that is, an exit value for the jadload program may have a different meaning from that for the jade program).
Value | Description | JADE Number Range |
127 | Fatal network errors | -101 through -120 |
0 | Success, no error | 0 |
1 | Methods in error were detected by the schema load | 8510 |
2 | One or more commands in command file did not complete successfully | 8514 |
3 | Upgrade validation failed | 8723 |
4 | Reorganization is required | 8511 |
5 | Reorganization operation cancelled by user request | 3404 |
6 | Reorganization is suspended waiting for the transition to be initiated | 3413 |
7 | Versioned control subclasses require reorganization during online deployment | 8525 |
8 | Schema load resulted in one or more incomplete schemas | 8527 |
9 through 31 | Reserved, on an individual JADE program basis | Unspecified |
32 through 63 | User-defined exit values | Unspecified |
64 through 78 | Reserved by the operating system | Unspecified |
105 | JADE Object Manager errors | 4 through 1299 |
106 | Collection exception errors | 1300 through 1349 |
107 | Miscellaneous runtime errors | 1400 through 1448 |
114 | Trace exception errors | 1500 through 1599 |
127 | Remote procedure call (RPC) request errors | 1600 through 1699 |
108 | Security errors | 1700 through 1799 |
113 | Database engine errors | 3000 through 3199 |
116 | Synchronized Database Service (SDS) database errors | 3200 through 3399 |
112 | Database reorganization errors | 3400 through 3499 |
127 | Database server remote interface errors | 3500 through 3599 |
120 | JADE language interpreter errors | 4000 through 4499 |
109 | JADE Query Engine internal errors | 4500 through 4999 |
114 | File handling errors | 5000 through 5099 |
114 | Multimedia handling errors | 5100 through 5299 |
114 | Sort errors | 5300 through 5399 |
121 | Licence errors | 5500 through 5599 |
112 | JADE Object Manager data interchange errors | 5700 through 5799 |
112 | Internal management message exchange errors | 5900 through 5999 |
119 | Compiler errors | 6000 through 6999 |
118 | Method and schema file syntax errors | 7000 through 7999 |
110 | External database errors | 8000 through 8255 |
125 | ODBC errors | 8256 through 8499 |
126 |
8500 through 8599 |
111 | Upgrade errors | 8700 through 8799 |
124 | JADE Database utility errors | 9000 through 9999 |
117 | TCP/IP network errors | 10000 through 10499 |
122 | JADE Monitor errors | 11000 through 11999 |
127 | JADE Remote Node Access utility errors | 12000 through 12999 |
123 | JADE user interface run time errors | 14000 through 14499 |
123 | JADE translatable string errors | 14500 through 14999 |
114 | Print errors | 15000 through 15099 |
114 | Editor errors | 15500 through 15599 |
115 | JADE development environment errors | 16000 through 16999 |
117 | Application connection errors | 30000 through 30999 |
117 | TCP/IP connection errors | 31000 through 31499 |
117 | Network proxy errors | 31500 through 31999 |
117 | Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) errors | 32000 through 32499 |
117 | X509 Certificate errors | 32500 through 32999 |
112 | Shared memory errors | 33500 through 33599 |
116 | Kernel, multiple server, errors, SDS | 34000 through 34999 |
116 | SDS and inter-node communication errors | 35000 through 35999 |
64 | Command line usage error | |
65 | Data format error | |
66 | Cannot open input | |
67 | Addressee unknown | |
68 | Host name unknown | |
69 | Service unavailable | |
70 | Internal software error | |
71 | System error (for example, cannot fork) | |
72 | Critical operating system file missing | |
73 | Cannot create (user) output file | |
74 | Input/output error | |
75 | Temporary failure; user is prompted to retry | |
76 | Remote error in protocol | |
77 | Permission denied | |
78 | Configuration error |