Window Properties

The properties defined in the Window class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
allControlChildren Contains an array of all controls contained in the window
backColor Contains the background color of a window
borderStyle Contains the border style for a window
bubbleHelp Contains the text that can be displayed as bubble help
controlChildren Contains an array of the immediate children of the window
description Contains a textual description of the object of the window
disableEvents Specifies whether all events associated with a form or control are currently disabled
disableReason Contains the reason the control or menu is disabled
dragCursor Contains a specific cursor image for display during the drag process
dragMode Contains the drag mode for a form or control
enabled Specifies whether the object can respond to user-generated events
height Contains the height of an object
helpContextId Contains an associated context number for an object
helpKeyword Contains the text used to access the help file
ignoreSkin Specifies whether the window uses a skin
left Contains the distance between the internal left edge of an object and the left edge of the client area of the container
mouseCursor Contains a cursor that is not provided by the system
mousePointer Contains the type of mouse pointer that is displayed
name Contains an application, form, control, or menu item object
scaleHeight Contains the number of units for the internal vertical measurement of an object
scaleLeft Contains the horizontal coordinates for the left edge of an object
scaleMode Contains the unit of measurement for coordinates of an object
scaleTop Contains the vertical coordinates for the top edges of an object
scaleWidth Contains the number of units for the internal horizontal measurement of an object
securityLevelEnabled Specifies whether the form, control, or menu is automatically disabled
securityLevelVisible Specifies whether the form, control, or menu is automatically made invisible
skinCategoryName Contains the name of the skin category
tag Contains a data value for the form or control
top Contains the distance between the internal top edge of an object and the top edge of the client area
userObject Contains an object to associate with any form or control object
userScript Contains scripts that are included as part of the HTML generation
visible Specifies whether an object is visible or hidden
width Contains the width of an object

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document. See also the graphics properties defined in the Window class, under "Graphics Properties and Methods", later in this document.