
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The maximumWidth property of the JadeDockBase class contains the maximum width (in pixels) of the control. Use this property if you want to prevent users from resizing the control over the specified width. (For details about setting a maximum height, see the maximumHeight property.)

The default value of this property is zero (0), with values in the range zero (0) through 32767 pixels permitted. If the property value is zero (0), the property is ignored and has no effect.

The maximumWidth property applies only to dock controls that are aligned vertically (that is, when the alignContainer property value is set to AlignContainer_AllVertical, AlignContainer_Left, or AlignContainer_Right); otherwise the property value is ignored.

The maximumWidth property controls the maximum width of the control when:

The value of the maximumWidth property cannot be less than the value of the minimumWidth property unless the maximumWidth property is set to the default value of zero (0). If the values of the maximumWidth and minimumWidth properties are the same, no resize bar is displayed on the right of the control, even if the value of the showResizeBar property is true.

The value of the maximumWidth property has no impact on the allowed sizes of the parent form on which it appears.