
Type: String

Availability: Read or write at any time

The hintText property of the TextBox class contains the text displayed in an empty text box as a hint. If the text box is not empty or hint text is not defined, this property is ignored.

When hint text is displayed, the text foreground and background colors are colored using the values of the hintBackColor and hintForeColor colors, if they are set.

Hint text cannot be selected or deleted, and the cursor is always positioned at the beginning of the text.

As soon as text is entered or pasted into the text box, the hint text is removed and replaced with the specified or pasted text. If the entire text is removed, the hint text is displayed again.

When hint text is displayed, the:

The values of the dataType, case, and selectionStyle properties are ignored when the hint text is displayed; for example, hint text can be displayed for a numeric field. The hint text, which is always displayed in the case of its defined string, can never be selected. In addition, for a password text box, the hint text is displayed as clear text (that is, it is not displayed using asterisk (*) characters).

If the values of the hintBackColor and hintForeColor properties are both zero (0), the default values of #80000000 (that is, the TextBox control backColor and foreColor properties, respectively) are used instead.