Type: Integer
Availability: Read or write at any time
The contextMenuOptions property of the JadeRichText control contains the menu options that are visible when the inbuilt popup menu of the control is displayed. The context (or popup) menu enables users to perform basic edit operations and it supports basic paragraph formatting such as setting bulleting, fonts, and indents.
The contextMenuOptions property can contain one or more of the values listed in the following table.
Constant | Value | Comment |
MenuOption_All | #7FFFFFFF | The default value, which displays all context menu items |
MenuOption_Bullet | #00008000 | |
MenuOption_Copy | #00000008 | |
MenuOption_Custom | #80000000 | Customized context menu is displayed when a right‑click action generates the contextMenu event |
MenuOption_Cut | #00000004 | |
MenuOption_Find | #00000020 | |
MenuOption_Font | #00000080 | |
MenuOption_InsertObject | #00010000 | |
MenuOption_InsertTable | #00020000 | |
MenuOption_None | 0 | No context menu is displayed |
MenuOption_Object | #00800000 | |
MenuOption_ObjectProperties | #00040000 | |
MenuOption_PageSetup | #00000200 | |
MenuOption_Paragraph | #00000100 | |
MenuOption_Paste | #00000010 | |
MenuOption_Print | #00000400 | |
MenuOption_Redo | #00000001 | |
MenuOption_Replace | #00000040 | |
MenuOption_SepCutCopyPaste | #02000000 | Separator that is displayed after the Cut, Copy, and Paste context menu items |
MenuOption_SepFindReplace | #04000000 | Separator that is displayed after the Find and Replace context menu items |
MenuOption_SepFontParaBullet | #08000000 | Separator that is displayed after the Font, Paragraph, and Bullet Style context menu items |
MenuOption_SepInsert | #10000000 | Separator that is displayed after the Insert Object and Insert Table context menu items |
MenuOption_SepPrint | #20000000 | Separator that is displayed after the Page Setup and Print context menu items |
MenuOption_SepRedoUndo | #01000000 | Separator that is displayed after the Redo and Undo context menu items |
MenuOption_Undo | #00000002 |
You can specify one or more values, by separating each value with a plus symbol (+) or a minus symbol (-).
The first of the following examples displays only the Cut, Copy, and Paste menu items on the context menu. The second example displays all menu items except for the Insert Object and Insert Table menu items.
rtfRichText.contextMenuOptions := JadeRichText.MenuOption_Cut + MenuOption_Copy + MenuOption_Paste;
rtfRichText.contextMenuOptions := JadeRichText.MenuOption_All - MenuOption_InsertObject - MenuOption_InsertTable;