
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The bulletStyle property of the JadeRichText control contains the bullet style of the current paragraph. The bulletStyle property values are listed in the following table.

JadeRichText Class Constant Integer Value
BulletStyle_Dot 1
BulletStyle_Lowercase 3
BulletStyle_LowercaseRoman 5
BulletStyle_None (the default) 0
BulletStyle_Number 2
BulletStyle_Uppercase 4
BulletStyle_UppercaseRoman 6
ParagraphFormat_Undefined #80000000

You cannot assign the ParagraphFormat_Undefined value, but it is returned to indicate that the selected text contains multiple paragraphs with different bulletStyle property values. Although you can define other values, if you do so, the BulletStyle_Dot value is assigned to the paragraph.

For an example of the use of this property, see "JadeRichText Control Method Example", earlier in this document.