
Type: Boolean

Availability: Read or write at any time

The autoTab property of the TextBox class automatically moves focus to the next control in the tab order of a form when this property is set to true and the maxLength property is set to a non-zero value, so that the user does not have to press the Tab key when the user enters the final character into a text box at the position specified by the maxLength property.

When the autoTab property is set to the default value of false, focus is not automatically shifted when the text box becomes full and the user must press the Tab key to cause the focus to move to the next control in the tab order of the form.

When the autoTab property is set to true and the final character is entered in the text box, the focus is shifted after completion of the keyUp event method. However, the autoTab property is ignored if your application code has already moved focus to another control.

The autoTab property of the JadeEditMask class takes effect when the control has an edit mask and the last character in that text box field (according to the value of the mask property) is entered.

When the value of the autoTab property is false (the default), no further action occurs and the user must press the Tab key to skip to the next field. If the value of the autoTab property is true, focus is shifted to the start of the next text box field of the control if there is one or to the next control in the order specified by the tabIndex property of the form if focus is on the last text box field.

The Table class handles the autoTab property of a TextBox or JadeEditMask control used as a cell control. When the user enters a character into a cell control that results in the autoTab process being invoked, the table sets the current column to the next visible, enabled cell of the current row.

If there no such cell, the process moves to the next row and searches for the next visible, enabled cell in that row and so on, until a visible, enabled cell is located. If the end of the table is reached and the tabOffEnds property of the JadeTableSheet class is set to true, focus is shifted to the next control in the order specified by the tabIndex property of the form.

This process takes effect if the user enters text that completes the text and the cell has: