
dragColumn(): Integer;

The dragColumn method of the Table class provides table-specific location information of the drag and drop processes that correspond to the x (horizontal) and y (vertical) positions received from dragOver events during a drag operation. Similarly, when the dragged window is dropped, the window that it is dropped onto receives a dragDrop event.

The dragOver and dragDrop events specify the x and y location of the drag operation.

If the drag and drop process occurs over an empty part of the table, one of the row or column property values may still be a non-zero value, indicating that it is in a specific row or column.

The method in the following example shows the use of the dragColumn method.

table1_dragDrop(table: Table input;
                win:   Window input;
                x, y:  Real) updating;
    if selectedColumn <> null then
        table.moveColumn(selectedColumn, table1.dragColumn);