
change(control: control-type input);

The change event indicates that the contents of a control have changed. The way in which the change event occurs varies with the control, as shown in the following table.

Control Action
CheckBox The value property is changed using the mouse or a keyboard action.
ComboBox The text in the text box portion of the control has changed, only if the style property is set to Style_DropDown (0), Style_Simple (1), or Style_DropDownComboList (3) and the user changes the text portion of the combo box by using a keystroke. It does not occur if you change the text property from logic or by using arrow keys or the mouse.
Horizontal or vertical ScrollBar The scroll box portion of the scroll bar has finished moving. This occurs when the user scrolls. It does not occur if you change the value property from logic.
JadeEditMask The text contents of a text box have been changed by the user. It does not occur when you change the text property from logic (that is, dynamically).
JadeTextEdit The text contents of the text editor have been changed by the user. It does not occur when you change the text property from logic (that is, dynamically).
OptionButton The value property is changed using the mouse or a keyboard action. Both the option button that is turned on and the one that is turned off receive the change event.
Table The current cell has an effective non-zero inputType property value and the user has changed the contents of the cell; that is, the check box is toggled by the mouse, space bar, or Enter key; the text box is changed by a key press, or a combo box list entry is selected.
TextBox The text contents of the text box have changed. This occurs when the user changes the text. It does not occur when you change the text property from logic.

A change event can synchronize or coordinate the display of data between controls. For example, you can use the change event for a scroll bar to display a color scale based on the value property of the scroll bar.