Form Methods

The methods defined in the Form class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
activeChild Returns the current active MDI child for an MDI frame form
addControl Adds a control to a form at run time
allowWebPrinting Enables the correct printing of the contents of the Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and higher
alwaysOnTop Specifies whether the visible form is placed above all other forms on the desktop
centreWindow Centers the form in the window
controlCount Returns the number of controls on the form
controls Enables logic to access the controls on an active form at run time
create Calls a constructor that builds a description of the form
delete Calls a destructor that removes the form and its associated window
ensureCaptionIsVisible Ensure the caption is visible on at least one monitor
flagControlForSave In Painter, saves the specified control that was not painted on the form using Painter functionality
generateHTML Generates the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) string for the form
generateHTMLStatic Generates the static HyperText Markup Language (HTML) string for the form and builds the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) action line
getControlByName Returns the control on the form with the specified name
getFormParent Returns the parent of a form set by the setFormParent method or if the parent form was set directly by using a Windows Application Programming Interface (API) call
getMdiFrame Accesses the current MDI frame for a form
getRegisteredFormKeys Returns an array of the form keys that are in effect for the form
getScrollRange Returns the scroll range information for the window
hasSystemTrayEntry Specifies whether the form currently has a system tray entry
isCaptionVisible Specifies whether the caption is visible on at least one monitor
isModal Specifies whether the form was displayed using the showModal method
menuItemCount Returns the number of items in the menu
menuItems Enables logic to access the menu items in a menu at run time
moveMdiClient Positions the client window
paintIfRequired Causes the form to be repainted if a repaint is required
popupMenu Invokes a popup menu for a form
registerFormKeys Establishes the entire set of key codes in which the key events of a form are interested
removeSystemTrayEntry Removes the system tray entry for the form
registerWindowMsg Registers a Windows message with the JADE GUI environment
replyAsBinary Returns the Binary message to the Web browser without modification
resetFirstChange Resets the first change status of the referenced form and all TextBox, JadeRichText, and JadeEditMask controls on the form
setApplicationSkin Sets the skin for a specific form and its controls
setBackDrop Sets the background image for the form
setFormParent Sets the parent of a form to be another form
setFormSkin Sets the skin for a specific form, regardless of the setting of the skinCategoryName property
setScrollRange Enables control of the scroll ranges for form and picture controls
setSkin Sets a skin for the form, overriding any skin that is set for the application
setSystemTrayEntry Places an entry in the system tray for the form
setTaskBarProgress Sets the extent of the progress to be displayed on the application icon in the taskbar
setTaskBarState Sets the state of the taskbar icon for the application
show Makes the form visible in its current state
showModal Makes the form visible in its current state, disabling all other application forms
tabNext Tabs to the next visible control that can have focus, in the enabled tab order
tabPrior Tabs to the prior visible control that can have focus, in the enabled tab order
unloadForm Unloads an active form

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document.