The methods defined in the Form class are summarized in the following table.
Method | Description |
activeChild | Returns the current active MDI child for an MDI frame form |
addControl | Adds a control to a form at run time |
allowWebPrinting | Enables the correct printing of the contents of the Web page in Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 and higher |
alwaysOnTop | Specifies whether the visible form is placed above all other forms on the desktop |
centreWindow | Centers the form in the window |
controlCount | Returns the number of controls on the form |
controls | Enables logic to access the controls on an active form at run time |
create | Calls a constructor that builds a description of the form |
delete | Calls a destructor that removes the form and its associated window |
ensureCaptionIsVisible | Ensure the caption is visible on at least one monitor |
flagControlForSave | In Painter, saves the specified control that was not painted on the form using Painter functionality |
generateHTML | Generates the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) string for the form |
generateHTMLStatic | Generates the static HyperText Markup Language (HTML) string for the form and builds the full Uniform Resource Locator (URL) action line |
getControlByName | Returns the control on the form with the specified name |
getFormParent | Returns the parent of a form set by the setFormParent method or if the parent form was set directly by using a Windows Application Programming Interface (API) call |
getMdiFrame | Accesses the current MDI frame for a form |
getRegisteredFormKeys | Returns an array of the form keys that are in effect for the form |
getScrollRange | Returns the scroll range information for the window |
hasSystemTrayEntry | Specifies whether the form currently has a system tray entry |
isCaptionVisible | Specifies whether the caption is visible on at least one monitor |
isModal | Specifies whether the form was displayed using the showModal method |
menuItemCount | Returns the number of items in the menu |
menuItems | Enables logic to access the menu items in a menu at run time |
moveMdiClient | Positions the client window |
paintIfRequired | Causes the form to be repainted if a repaint is required |
popupMenu | Invokes a popup menu for a form |
registerFormKeys | Establishes the entire set of key codes in which the key events of a form are interested |
removeSystemTrayEntry | Removes the system tray entry for the form |
registerWindowMsg | Registers a Windows message with the JADE GUI environment |
replyAsBinary | Returns the Binary message to the Web browser without modification |
resetFirstChange | Resets the first change status of the referenced form and all TextBox, JadeRichText, and JadeEditMask controls on the form |
setApplicationSkin | Sets the skin for a specific form and its controls |
setBackDrop | Sets the background image for the form |
setFormParent | Sets the parent of a form to be another form |
setFormSkin | Sets the skin for a specific form, regardless of the setting of the skinCategoryName property |
setScrollRange | Enables control of the scroll ranges for form and picture controls |
setSkin | Sets a skin for the form, overriding any skin that is set for the application |
setSystemTrayEntry | Places an entry in the system tray for the form |
setTaskBarProgress | Sets the extent of the progress to be displayed on the application icon in the taskbar |
setTaskBarState | Sets the state of the taskbar icon for the application |
show | Makes the form visible in its current state |
showModal | Makes the form visible in its current state, disabling all other application forms |
tabNext | Tabs to the next visible control that can have focus, in the enabled tab order |
tabPrior | Tabs to the prior visible control that can have focus, in the enabled tab order |
unloadForm | Unloads an active form |
For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document.