StatusLine Class

A status line control is a special frame control that aligns itself to the bottom and width of its container by default, providing a status line for the container.

Use the status line to display text that the user cannot directly change.

The status line has 3D effects by default. The status line text is always displayed within the area bounded by the 3D borders.

As the StatusLine class is a subclass of the Control class, it inherits all of the properties and methods defined in the Control and Window classes.

The status line is in effect a Frame control with the alignContainer property set to align to the bottom of the container. When the container is resized, the status line control is also resized. A StatusLine control that is aligned to their parent by using the alignContainer property will not scroll and it will remains in place in its parent when the scroll bar of the parent is shifted. It therefore remains visible and unchanged when the scroll bar of the parent is adjusted.

The status line has additional auto-size features beyond those of a label. Because the status line can also be a container, when controls are placed inside the status line, the control resizes in height to fit the controls placed inside it when the autoSize property is set to true. For example, multiple text boxes or labels could be inserted into the status line to display discrete pieces of information on the status line.

For a frame control or status line control, the position (0,0) is the top left of the area inside the 3D frame. Controls with the StatusLine class as its parent are not painted in the border area.

For a summary of the constants, properties, methods, and events defined in the StatusLine class, see "StatusLine Class Constants", "StatusLine Properties", "StatusLine Methods", and "StatusLine Events", in the following subsections.

For details about docking status line controls, see the JadeDockBar, JadeDockBase, and JadeDockContainer classes, earlier in this document.