JadeRichText Methods

The methods defined in the JadeRichText class are summarized in the following table.

Method Description
append Loads the specified text into the control, appending it to the end of the current contents
clearUndoBuffer Clears information from the undo buffer
find Searches for the specified text within the contents of the control
firstVisibleLine Returns the first visible line displayed at the top of the control
findReplaceDialog Opens a find and replace dialog and returns a reference to the dialog
getCharacterFormat Retrieves the formatting attributes of the selected text
getLine Returns a string containing the specified line as rich text or plain text
getLineFromCharacterIndex Returns the number of the line that contains the character at the specified position
getParagraphFormat Retrieves the common formatting attributes of the paragraph
getRedoAndUndoState Retrieves whether redo, undo, and pasting actions can be performed and the type of redo and undo operations that can be performed
getScrollRange Retrieves the scrolling range for the specified scroll bar
getTabStops Returns the tab stop position values of the control
getTextProtection Returns the protection state of a specified range of text in the control
insertObject Inserts a COM object at the current position
insertObjectDialog Invokes the OLE Insert Object dialog
insertTable Inserts a table
lineCount Returns the number of lines of text in the control
load Loads text into the control
loadFromFile Loads the contents of the specified file into the control
objectPropertiesDialog Invokes the OLE Properties dialog
pageMargins Sets the margins around a printed page
print Outputs the contents of the control to the printer
redo Reapplies the last edit operation that was undone
replace Replaces text within the control
saveInFile Saves the contents of the control to the specified file
setCharacterFormat Sets common character formatting attributes to the selected text
setParagraphFormat Sets common character formatting attributes to the paragraph text
setTabStops Sets the values of the tab stop positions in the control
setTextProtection Sets the protection state of a specified range of text in the control
undo Undoes the last edit operation

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Methods", later in this document.