The constants provided by the JadeRichText class are listed in the following table.
Constant | Value | Constant | Value |
Alignment_Center | 2 | Alignment_Justify | 3 |
Alignment_Left | 0 | Alignment_Right | 1 |
BulletStyle_Dot | 1 | BulletStyle_Lowercase | 3 |
BulletStyle_LowercaseRoman | 5 | BulletStyle_None | 0 |
BulletStyle_Number | 2 | BulletStyle_Uppercase | 4 |
BulletStyle_UppercaseRoman | 6 | CharacterFormat_AutoColor | -1 |
CharacterFormat_NotSet | 0 | CharacterFormat_Set | 1 |
CharacterFormat_Undefined | #80000000 | Find_BeginningOfText | 0 |
Find_Default | 0 | Find_EndOfText | -1 |
Find_MatchCase | 4 | Find_SearchBack | 2 |
Find_WholeWord | 8 | GetLine_PlainText | 1 |
GetLine_RTF | 0 | LoadFromFile_PlainText | 1 |
LoadFromFile_RTF | 0 | LoadFromFile_ReplaceAll | 0 |
LoadFromFile_ReplaceSelection | 1 | LoadFromFile_UnicodeText | 2 |
Load_Append | 3 | Load_ReplaceAll | 1 |
Load_ReplaceSelection | 2 | MenuOption_All | #7FFFFFFF |
MenuOption_Bullet | #00008000 | MenuOption_Copy | #00000008 |
MenuOption_Custom | #80000000 | MenuOption_Cut | #00000004 |
MenuOption_Find | #00000020 | MenuOption_Font | #00000080 |
MenuOption_InsertObject | #00010000 | MenuOption_InsertTable | #00020000 |
MenuOption_None | 0 | MenuOption_Object | #00800000 |
MenuOption_ObjectProperties | #00040000 | MenuOption_PageSetup | #00000200 |
MenuOption_Paragraph | #00000100 | MenuOption_Paste | #00000010 |
MenuOption_Print | #00000400 | MenuOption_Redo | #00000001 |
MenuOption_Replace | #00000040 | MenuOption_SepCutCopyPaste | #02000000 |
MenuOption_SepFindReplace | #04000000 | MenuOption_SepFontParaBullet | #08000000 |
MenuOption_SepInsert | #10000000 | MenuOption_SepPrint | #20000000 |
MenuOption_SepRedoUndo | #01000000 | MenuOption_Undo | #00000002 |
ParagraphFormat_Undefined | #80000000 | Redo_Cut | 4 |
Redo_Delete | 2 | Redo_DragDrop | 3 |
Redo_Paste | 5 | Redo_Typing | 1 |
Redo_Unknown | 0 | Replace_ReplaceAll | 64 |
SaveInFile_All | 0 | SaveInFile_PlainText | 1 |
SaveInFile_RTF | 0 | SaveInFile_Selection | 1 |
SaveInFile_UnicodeText | 2 | SelectionStyle_Hide | 1 |
SelectionStyle_Retain | 0 | SelectionStyle_SelectAll | 2 |
TargetDevice_Printer | 1 | TargetDevice_Screen | 0 |
TextProtection_Mixed | #80000000 | TextProtection_NotSet | 0 |
TextProtection_Set | 1 | Underline_Type_Dash | 5.Byte |
Underline_Type_DashDot | 6.Byte | Underline_Type_DashDotDot | 7.Byte |
Underline_Type_Dotted | 4.Byte | Underline_Type_Invert | 254.Byte |
Underline_Type_None | 0.Byte | Underline_Type_Thick | 9.Byte |
Underline_Type_Underline | 1.Byte | Underline_Type_Wave | 8.Byte |
Undo_Cut | 4 | Undo_Delete | 2 |
Undo_DragDrop | 3 | Undo_Paste | 5 |
Undo_Typing | 1 | Undo_Unknown | 0 |