ComboBox Properties

The properties defined in the ComboBox class are summarized in the following table.

Property Description
hasPictures Specifies whether the picture images are displayed
hasPlusMinus Specifies whether plus/minus images are displayed
hasTreeLines Specifies whether the tree lines are drawn
itemBackColor Contains the background color of each item in a combo box
itemData Contains a specific number for each item in a combo box
itemEnabled Specifies whether individual items can be enabled in a combo box
itemExpanded Contains the expansion (or collapse) status of each item
itemForeColor Contains the text color to assign to each item in a combo box
itemLevel Contains the hierarchical level of each item
itemObject Contains an object for each entry in a combo box
itemPicture Contains a picture for individual items in a combo box
itemPictureType Contains the type of picture of each item
itemText Contains the text of an item in a combo box
listIndex Contains the index of the currently selected item in the combo box
listObject Contains the associated object of the currently selected item in the combo box
listWidth Contains the width of the drop-down list box portion of the combo box
maxLength Contains how much text can be entered into the text box part of a combo box
pictureClosed Contains the qualifying picture image displayed for an entry
pictureLeaf Contains the qualifying picture image displayed for an entry
pictureMinus Contains the qualifying picture image displayed for an entry
pictureOpen Contains the qualifying picture image displayed for an entry
picturePlus Contains the qualifying picture image displayed for an entry
selLength Contains the number of characters selected in a combo box
selStart Contains the starting point of selected text
selText Contains the string containing the currently selected text
sortCased Specifies whether the sorting is case-sensitive
sorted Specifies whether the elements of a combo box are automatically sorted alphabetically
style Contains the type of combo box, and the behavior of its list box portion
text Contains the text contained in the edit area of a combo box

For details, see "Window, Form, and Control Properties", later in this document.