getRpcServerStatistics(jdo: JadeDynamicObject input detailed: Boolean);
The getRpcServerStatistics method of the System class RPC statistics relating to activity between the database server node and all client nodes. The values returned represent information about the connection between client nodes and the database server, and totals for requests received and replies sent. The values are returned as
The calling process is responsible for creating and deleting the JadeDynamicObject instance.
The detailed parameter specifies whether the values returned should be combined for all requests, or individual totals for each request type.
For details about the attributes returned in the dynamic object properties, see "
The calling process is responsible for creating and deleting the JadeDynamicObject instance. Properties are added to the object when the method is first called. The object can then be used in subsequent calls.
If the dynamic object passed to the method already contains properties that do not match the properties to be returned, the existing dynamic object properties are removed and replaced with the appropriate properties. This method is most efficient when the properties match those to be returned.
The cumulative values are held as 64-bit unsigned integer values, and are copied to the dynamic object as Integer64 values. The maximum value before they wrap around to negative values is therefore 2^63 - 1 (approximately 8 Exabytes).
The following example shows the use of the getRpcServerStatistics method.
showRpcServerStats(); vars jdo : JadeDynamicObject; begin create jdo transient; system.getRpcServerStatistics(jdo, false); write jdo.display; epilog delete jdo; end;
The output from the getRpcServerStatistics method shown in the previous example is as follows.
---RPCServerStatistics(106)--- timeStarted = 27 April 2007, 12:31:14 connectionType = 0 lastInboundRequest = 27 April 2007, 14:31:32 requestsFromClients = 22551 repliesToClients = 22550 requestPacketsFromClients = 22551 replyPacketsToClients = 22550 requestBytesFromClients = 3475340 replyBytesToClients = 9598785 requestsToClients = 31 repliesFromClients = 31 requestPacketsToClients = 31 replyPacketsFromClients = 31 requestBytesToClients = 35313 replyBytesFromClients = 16665 notificationPacketsToClients = 0 notificationBytesToClients = 0