
loadHTMLDocuments(pathName: String;
                  reload:   Boolean): String;

The loadHTMLDocuments method of the Schema class processes all files in the folder specified in the pathName parameter, to enable you to load or reload multiple HTML documents.

The names of the HTML documents are obtained from the file names, excluding the extension and the path. For example, if the file name is c:\documents\header.htm, the document name is Header (with an uppercase first character). If this results in the name being longer than 100 characters, it is truncated to 100 characters.

If a document already exists in the schema and the reload parameter is set to true, the document is updated. If a document does not exist in the schema, the document is created and updated. An exception is raised if the pathName parameter contains a null value or the specified directory cannot be located.

As no validation is done to determine if the file is a valid HTML file, it is your responsibility to ensure that the files in the specified folder are valid HTML documents.