The method shown in the following example prints a currently active form.
bPrint_click(btn: Button input); vars result : Integer; begin result := app.printer.printActive(self); app.printer.close; end;
The following method shows how Printer methods can be referenced.
vars count, result : Integer; rpf : RepPrintFaults; today : Date; begin create rpf; app.printer.setMargins(Print_Portrait, 10, 10, 10, 10); app.printer.setHeader(rpf.heading); app.printer.pageBorderWidth := 2; app.printer.setFooter (rpf.footer); rpf.theDate.text := today.String; rpf.customer.text := listCust.text; rpf.product.text := listProd.text; rpf.employee.text := listEmp.text; foreach count in 1 to listFaults.listCount do rpf.detailLine.text := listFaults.itemText[count]; result := app.printer.print(rpf.detail); if result = Print_Stopped or result = Print_Cancelled then return; endif; endforeach; epilog app.printer.close; delete rpf; end;
For an example of a method that places output directly on to a printer page at a specified location on the page without using frames, see "Free-Format Printing", in the following subsection.