
beginClassesNotificationForIF(theClass:          Class;
                              includeSubclasses: Boolean;
                              transients:        Boolean;
                              eventType:         Integer;
                              responseType:      Integer;
                              eventTag:          Integer;
                              theInterface:      JadeInterface);

The beginClassesNotificationForIF method of the Object class is a variation of the beginClassesNotification method.

The beginClassesNotificationForIF method allows notification events to be sent to methods mapped to the userNotification and sysNotification methods of the theInterface parameter when a nominated event occurs on instances of a class and optionally its subclasses, rather than to those of the subscriber.

The subscriber must be an instance of a Class that includes methods that map to (implement) the specified sysNotification or userNotification method of the interface.

The parameters specified in the method signatures must match the standard userNotification or sysNotification method, as follows.

sysNotification(eventType: Integer; theObject: Object; eventTag: Integer);

userNotification(eventType: Integer; theObject: Object; eventTag: Integer;                  userInfo: Any);

If the method signature does not match the standard userNotification or sysNotification method, an exception is raised when the beginClassesNotificationForIF method is executed.

The subscription to a notification registered by the beginClassesNotificationForIF method is terminated by the endClassesNotificationForIF method. You can also use the endNotificationForSubscriber method to terminate all notifications for a specific subscriber.

The beginClassesNotificationForIF method parameters are summarized in the following table.

Parameter Specifies …
theClass The class for which the notification is to be invoked
includeSubclasses Whether subclasses are included in or excluded from the notification registration
transients If the user notification is invoked for events occurring in transient instances
eventType The type of event for which the notification is requested
responseType The frequency with which an event notification is sent
eventTag An integer value that is required for each notification
theInterface The interface implemented by the specified class and optionally its subclasses

With the exception of the theInterface parameter, described in the following subsection, for details about the other parameters, see the appropriate subsections of the beginClassesNotification method.