
startElement(namespaceURI:   String;
             localName:      String;
             qualifiedName:  String;
             attributeCount: Integer);

The startElement event method of the JadeXMLParser class receives notification of the beginning of an element. The startElement event method parameters are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
namespaceURI Namespace URI or null ("") if the element has no namespace URI.
localName Local name (without the prefix).
qualifiedName Qualified name (with the prefix).
attributeCount Number of attributes attached to the element. You can retrieve attributes by calling the get attribute methods (that is, the getAttribute, getAttributeValueByName, or getAttributeValueByNameNS method) from within the startElement method.

The parser invokes this method (if implemented) at the beginning of every element in the XML document.

There is a corresponding endElement event for every startElement event (even when the element is empty).

All of the content of an element is reported, in order, before the corresponding endElement event.