
addMemberKey(propertyName:    String;
             descending:      Boolean;
             caseInsensitive: Boolean;
             sortOrder:       Integer) updating;

The addMemberKey method of the JadeUserCollClass class adds a member key specification to a user collection that is a subclass of MemberKeyDictionary.

If you require multiple keys, call the addMemberKey method to define each key in sequence. To signify that all keys have been defined, call the endKeys method.

Specify a key path by passing a key-path expression in the propertyName parameter; for example, "". Set the descending parameter to true if you want keys sorted in descending order and the caseInsensitive parameter to true if case-sensitivity is not required.

For String and StringUtf8 keys, the sortOrder parameter specifies the locale identifier for the locale used to order entries in the collection. This parameter is ignored for keys of other primitive types. A value of zero (0) indicates the binary sort order.

The following preconditions apply when adding keys to a dynamic dictionary.

The appropriate system exception is raised if any of these preconditions are violated.

For an example of the use of the addMemberKey method, see "Using JadeUserCollClass Collections", later in this chapter.