
getEntry(index:     Integer input;
         object:    Object output;
         operation: Integer output;
         prop:      Property output;
         value:     Any output);

The getEntry method of the JadeTransactionTrace class returns information from a specified entry in the list held by the receiver.

The getEntry method parameters, representing JadeTransactionTrace property values, are listed in the following table.

Parameter Description
index Identifies the entry to be accessed. The first entry in the list has an index of one (1).
object References an object that was created, updated, or deleted by the transaction.

Specifies the action that was carried out on the object. The possible values are listed in the following table.

Value Class Constant Description
3 OperationUpdate The object was updated
4 OperationCreate The object was created
6 OperationDelete The object was deleted
8 OperationAutoProp Indicates an automatic set property
9 OperationCollAdd Indicates a manual collection add
10 OperationAutoAdd Indicates an automatic collection add
11 OperationCollRemove Indicates a manual collection remove
12 OperationAutoRemove Indicates an automatic collection remove


References a property that was modified by the transaction. The object parameter contains the owner of the property.
value Contains the value of the prop parameter immediately after the update.

There can be more than one entry for the same object (for example, if an object is updated and then deleted in a transaction). However, objects that are updated more than once in a transaction usually appear once only in the list.

The list includes collections and other objects that are updated automatically.