
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at run time only

The widthPercentStyleproperty of the JadeTableSheet class controls how any columns percentages set on the table sheet using the JadeTableColumn class widthPercent property are interpreted.

The property values can be one of the new Table class constants listed in the following table.

Table Class Constant Value Description
WidthPercent_Style_ClientWidth 0 The default value, which specifies that if the value of the JadeTableColumn class widthPercent property is greater than zero (0), the width of the column is calculated using the formula (Table.clientWidth * JadeTableColumn.widthPercent) / 100
WidthPercent_Style_NoSetWidths 1 Specifies that if the value of the JadeTableColumn class widthPercent property is greater than zero (0), the width of the column is calculated using the formula ((Table.clientWidth - <set widths>) * JadeTableColumn.widthPercent) / 100

In this table, the <set widths> value is the sum of all column widths that have been specifically set by user logic or by the user resizing the column, which means that if the widthPercent property values of the other columns add up to 100 percent, those columns fully use the remaining horizontal space in the table.

If the value of <set widths> is greater than the value of the Table class clientWidth property, the width is calculated as if the value of the widthPercentStyle property is zero (0).

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the widthPercentStyle property.

table1.accessSheet(table1.sheet).widthPercentStyle := WidthPercent_Style_NoSetWidths;