
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The pixelHorzScrollIncrement property of the JadeTableSheet class specifies the number of pixels that are scrolled horizontally when the scrolling mode of the sheet is pixels (that is, the value of the JadeTableSheet class scrollMode property is ScrollMode_HorzPixel_VertCell (1) or ScrollMode_Both_Pixel (3).

The default value is 1, and the value can be in the range 1 through 32767. Values outside of this range are treated as 1.

The property enables the amount of horizontal scrolling to be increased. For example, by setting the horizontal pixel increment to 10 pixels at a time, the scrolling would scroll ten pixels.

The increment value is used only when the user clicks on a horizontal scroll bar arrow or scrolls using the mouse wheel and the scrolling mode is pixels for that scroll bar.

When scrolling with the mouse wheel, the scrolling amount is multiplied by an increment set by the user.(This increment is usually 3.)

The pixelHorzScrollIncrement property value is ignored unless the value of the scrollMode property of the sheet is ScrollMode_Both_Pixel or ScrollMode_HorzPixel_VertCell.

The code fragment in the following example shows the use of the pixelHorzScrollIncrement property.

table1.accessSheet(1).pixelHorzScrollIncrement := 15;