
Type: Integer

Availability: Read or write at any time

The maxColumnWidth property of the JadeTableColumn class specifies the maximum width (in pixels) for a column when determining the width during the column width auto‑size processing.

The default value is zero (0), with values in the range zero (0) through 32767 pixels permitted. The default value of zero (0) means that there is no maximum width and the column will be as wide as required by the content if the column width is auto‑sized. If the cell contains a long text string, the column will be as wide as is required to display the entire string.

If the value of the maxColumnWidth property is greater than zero (0) and column width is determined by the autoSize process, the width is restricted to a maximum value of the maxColumnWidth property.

The maxColumnWidth property is used only during the autoSize process and is ignored if the:

The maxColumnWidthproperty value does not prevent logic from setting a larger column width, nor does it prevent the user from resizing the column width to be larger than the value of thewidthproperty.