
findString(str:           String;
           row:           Integer io;
           caseSensitive: Boolean;
           exact:         Boolean): Boolean;

The findString method of the JadeTableColumn class searches the cells in a column of a Table control for the string specified in the str parameter. The search starts at the cell row specified by the row parameter or at the first row if the parameter value is less than 1.

The case‑sensitivity of the search is determined by the value of the caseSensitive parameter.

If the exact parameter value is false, the search matches any cell text with the specified prefix. If the exact parameter value is true, the search matches only cells whose text is an exact match.

If the search does not find a cell containing the string with the required caseSensitive and exact parameter values, this method returns false. If the search finds a cell containing the string with the required case‑sensitive and exact options, this method returns true and the row of the located cell is returned; for example:

row := 0;
while table1.accessColumn(2).findString("city", row, false, false) do
    row := row + 1; // repeat the search starting in the next row