
Type: JadeSkinButton

Availability: Read or write at any time

The myTabButton property of the JadeSkinSheet class contains a reference to the skin used to draw the tab of a folder for a sheet that has the tabsStyle property set to TabsStyle_Buttons (1).

If this property is null, any skin button of the folder is used instead. If this property is not null, any skin button setting of the folder is ignored.

The size of the tab area of a folder is defined by using the JadeSkinFolder skin type. Any tab defined for a sheet has no impact on the determination of the tab height.

The main use of defining a button skin for a sheet is to enable each tab of a folder to be drawn with different images and colors. To achieve this, define several sheet skins with different categories and then set the Window::skinCategoryName property on the sheets that you want to use each specific sheet skin.