getReport(reportName: String): JadeReportWriterReport;
The getReport method of the JadeReportWriterManager class returns a transient instance of the JadeReportWriterReport class for the report specified in the reportName parameter.
If the report does not exist or is not accessible to the current user, it returns null. If the report exists and it can be accessed by the current user, it returns a transient instance of the JadeReportWriterReport class.
The following example shows the use of the getReport method.
lstReports_click(listbox: ListBox input) updating; vars strName : String; jrep : JadeReportWriterReport; profiles : StringArray; profileName : String; begin if lstReports.listIndex = -1 then return; endif; strName := lstReports.itemText[lstReports.listIndex]; jrep := self.myJWRM.getReport(strName); end;