
move(destination: String) updating;

The move method of the JadeDbFilePartition class changes the location attribute and moves the database partition using intrinsic database backup routines to the location specified by the destination parameter. The database path is relative to the database server.

If the destination of the move is on the same physical device as the source, the move is accomplished via a file system move or rename action. In this scenario, access to the file is blocked for the duration of the rename and metadata updates.

If the destination is on a different physical device, the move is accomplished using a backup copy and verify, followed by a remove of the source file. When a non-frozen partition is moved to a different physical device, the move partition operation blocks new transactions, acquires a database quiet point, and freezes the partition for the duration of the operation; transactions are unblocked after the partition has transitioned to a frozen state. The quiet point is required to ensure there are no updates to the partition in the pipeline that would require undo should a transaction abort.

You cannot move a partition required for object creation (that is, any partition in the creation window).

An exception is raised if there was an error accessing a database partition control file, the database file was not located, the database file is locked for reorganization or administrative purposes, you are attempting the operation on an offline partition or a partition that is required for object creation, or you are attempting the operation when the database is in backup state.