The methods defined in the JadeDatabaseAdmin class are summarized in the following table.
Method | Description |
abortBackup | Terminates an online backup transaction |
backupAllDbFiles | Backs up all database files to a common directory |
backupDbFiles | Backs up selected file kinds to a common directory |
backupJournal | Copies the specified recovery journal file to backup |
beginBackup | Starts an online backup transaction |
changeDbAccessMode | Changes the access mode of the database |
closeCurrentJournal | Closes and releases the current recovery journal file |
commitBackup | Commits an online backup transaction |
commitCoherentBackup | Commits an SDS Secondary backup transaction with coherent (commit‑consistent) state |
compactDbFiles | Compacts the specified files to optimize storage and reduce fragmentation |
createRpsDatabase | Creates an RPS database for a specified schema and RPS mapping |
disableByteProgressEvents | Disables operation and progress event notifications for the number of bytes of a file backed up |
disableProgressEvents | Disables operation and progress event notifications for the percentage of a file backed up |
doCheckpoint | Causes a database checkpoint operation to be queued to the database worker thread |
doQuietpoint | Attempts to establish a database quiet point |
enableByteProgressEvents | Enables operation and progress event notifications for the number of bytes of a file backed up |
enableProgressEvents | Enables operation and progress event notifications for the percentage of a file backed up |
getAbortJournalNumber | Returns the number of the journal containing the Begin Transaction record of the oldest active transaction |
getAllDbFiles | Populates an array with references to database files |
getArchiveJournalDirectory | Returns the name of the archive directory for transaction journals |
getCreationTimestamp | Returns a timestamp containing the date and time the database was created |
getCurrentJournalDirectory | Returns the current recovery journal file directory |
getCurrentJournalName | Returns the current recovery journal file name |
getCurrentJournalNumber | Returns the current recovery journal file number |
getCurrentJournalOffset | Enables the calculation of amounts and rates of journal output |
getDbFiles | Populates an array with references to files of selected kinds |
getLastCheckpoint | Retrieves the journal number and byte offset of the last database checkpoint |
getLatestBackupTimestamp | Returns the date and time the database was last backed up without error |
getLatestFullBackupTimestamp | Returns the date and time all files in the database were last backed up without error |
getOpenTimestamp | Returns the most recent date and time the database was opened |
getReasonTrackingStoppedString | Returns a string containing a textual description of the SDSStopTrackingCodes global constant reason code |
getRpsMappedFiles | Populates an array with all database files required for a specified RPS mapping |
isArchival | Specifies whether archival recovery is enabled for the database |
rpsAuditSqlScriptForReplay | Writes a journal record containing SQL to be replayed on an RPS node |
rpsExtractData | Extracts a specified table or all tables, using specified parameter values |
rpsExtractDataAll | Extracts all tables using specified parameter values |
rpsExtractDataUsingIniOptions | Extracts a specified table or all tables using values stored in the [ |
rpsGetDatabaseParameters | Returns the schema name, RPS mapping name, and the storage mode of the RPS node |
rpsStartDataPump | Starts the RPS Datapump application on the RPS node |
rpsStopDataPump | Stops the RPS Datapump application on the RPS node |
sdsAuditStopTracking | Specifies a number that is returned in the userInfo parameter of your user notification method when an SDS_TrackingStopped event occurs (primary, secondary, or RPS) |
sdsDisablePrimaryConnection | Disables a connection from the current secondary database to the primary server (secondary or RPS only) |
sdsDisablePrimaryConnectionAt | Disables a connection from a specified secondary database to the primary server (primary only) |
sdsDisableReadAccess | Disallows read-only database access to the current secondary database (secondary only) |
sdsDisableReadAccessAt | Disallows read-only database access at a specified secondary database (primary only) |
sdsEnableReadAccess | Allows read-only database access to the current secondary database (secondary only) |
sdsEnableReadAccessAt | Allows read-only database access at a specified secondary database (primary only) |
sdsGetDatabaseRole | Returns the database role of the current server for the JADE system (primary, secondary, or RPS) |
sdsGetDatabaseSubrole | Returns the database subrole of the server on which the method is executed |
sdsGetMyServerInfo | Obtains an array describing the SDS attributes of the system (primary, secondary, or RPS) |
sdsGetSecondaryInfo | Obtains an array containing the SDS attributes for a specified secondary system (primary only) |
sdsGetSecondaryProxies | Obtains an array of secondary proxy dynamic objects (primary only) |
sdsGetSecondaryProxy | Obtains information about a specific secondary proxy dynamic object (primary only) |
sdsGetTransactions | Obtains an array of transaction dynamic objects on the current secondary system (secondary only) |
sdsGetTransactionsAt | Obtains an array of transaction dynamic objects on a specified secondary system (primary only) |
sdsInitiateHostileTakeover | Initiates a hostile take-over by the executing secondary system (secondary only) |
sdsInitiateTakeover | Initiates a negotiated take-over by a specified secondary server so that it becomes the primary server (primary only) |
sdsIsInitialized | Returns true if SDS is initialized for the system (primary. secondary, or RPS) |
sdsIsRunning | Returns true if SDS is running for this system (primary, secondary, or RPS) |
sdsReconnectNow | Prompts the secondary database to attempt a reconnect to its primary server (secondary or RPS only) |
sdsReplayNextJournal | Initiates a replay of the next ready journal on a secondary server when journal replay is suspended (secondary or RPS only) |
sdsReplayNextJournalAt | Initiates a replay of the next ready journal on the specified secondary server when journal replay is suspended (primary only) |
sdsResume | Resumes replaying journals after tracking has been interrupted (secondary or RPS only) |
sdsResumeAt | Resumes replaying journals on a specified secondary server when tracking has been interrupted (primary only) |
sdsStartService | Starts an SDS on the database server of the system (primary only) |
sdsStartTracking | Starts tracking on the secondary database that calls this method (secondary or RPS only) |
sdsStartTrackingAt | Starts tracking on a specified secondary database (primary only) |
sdsStopService | Stops an SDS on the database server of the system (primary only) |
sdsStopTracking | Stops tracking on the secondary database that calls this method (secondary or RPS only) |
sdsStopTrackingAt | Stops tracking on a specified secondary database (primary only) |
verifyJournal | Verifies the consistency of the specified recovery journal file |