The constants provided by the DateFormat class are listed in the following table.
Constant | Integer Value | Constant | Integer Value |
None | 0 | Gregorian | 1 |
EnglishGregorian | 2 | JapaneseEra | 3 |
ChineseEra | 4 | KoreanEra | 5 |
Hijri | 6 | Thai | 7 |
MonthDayYear | 0 | DayMonthYear | 1 |
YearMonthDay | 2 | WeekOfJan1 | 0 |
FirstWeekAfterJan1 | 1 | FirstWeekWith4Days | 2 |
MonthFullName | 1 | MonthShortName | 2 |
MonthNumberLeadingZero | 3 | MonthNumber | 4 |
FullDayOfWeek | 1 | ShortDayOfWeek | 2 |
NoDayOfWeek | 3 |