Collection Methods

The methods summarized in the following table are implemented for (and inherited by) all Collection subclass instances.

Method Description
add Adds an object to a collection
clear Removes all entries from a collection
copy Copies entries from the receiver to a compatible collection
countOf Returns the number of times the specified entry occurs in the collection
countOf64 Returns the number of times the specified entry occurs in the collection as an Integer64 value
createIterator Creates an iterator for the Collection class and subclasses
deleteIfEmpty Deletes a shared or exclusive collection if it is empty
first Returns the first entry in the collection
getOwner Returns the object that is the owner of the collection
getStatistics Analyzes the collection and returns structural statistics
includes Returns true if the collection contains a specified object
indexNear Returns an approximate index of an object in a collection
indexNear64 Returns an approximate index of an object in a collection as an Integer64 value
indexOf Returns the index of a specified entry if it exists in the collection
indexOf64 Returns the index of a specified entry if it exists in the collection as an Integer64 value
inspect Inspects a collection of objects
inspectModal Opens a modal Inspector form for the receiver object
instantiate In exclusive collections only, ensures that the object is created before it is used
isEmpty Returns true if the collection has no entries
last Returns the last entry in the collection
maxSize Returns the maximum number of entries that the collection can contain
maxSize64 Returns the maximum number of entries that the collection can contain as an Integer64 value
purge Deletes all object references in a collection
rebuild Removes invalid object references and fixes up dictionary keys in a collection
remove Removes an item from a collection
setBlockSize Specifies or changes the block size of the receiver
size Returns the current number of entries in the collection
size64 Returns the current number of entries in the collection as an Integer64 value