at(index: Integer64): MemberType;
The at method of the Array class returns a reference to the entry in the array at the position specified by the index parameter; for example:
firstCustomer :=;
The following examples show the use of the bracket ([]) operators to return an entry from an array.
firstCustomer := currentList[1]; display(): String; vars temp, alphaNumber : String; entry : Integer; begin temp := self.faultNumber.String; if temp.length > 4 then alphaNumber := temp; else entry := 0; while entry < 4 - temp.length do alphaNumber := alphaNumber & (0).String; entry := entry + 1; endwhile; alphaNumber := alphaNumber & temp; endif; return alphaNumber & " " &[1:100]; end;
If there is no entry at the specified index, an exception is raised.