unitTestAfterAll Option

The unitTestAfterAll method option indicates that the method is a unit test method that is run once after all classes have been tested.

Methods with unitTestBeforeAll and unitTestAfterAll method options can be defined only on the base JadeTestCase class, and there can be one instance only of these method options in a schema.

If any number of tests are run from the schema, the unitTestBeforeAll and unitTestAfterAll method options are executed once only.

If multiple unitTestBeforeAll and unitTestAfterAll method options are defined on methods of the JadeTestCase class in a schema, the first instance of the method option is used and a warning is logged, stating that all other instances have been ignored.

If unitTestBeforeAll and unitTestAfterAll method options are defined on methods in subclasses of the JadeTestCase class, they are ignored and a warning is logged, stating they have been ignored.

If a unitTestAfterAll method fails, the last class method executed is counted as failed.

A method with the unitTestAfterAll option specified can perform any one‑off global clean up for all tests; for example, package finalization and deleting test data.